HstSethi | About Me | Contact Information | Resume

Hello! Welcome to my personal website. I am Harshit Sethi. I am a first-year college student, a self-taught computer enthusiast and a hobbyist investor. Currently, I am working on improving my backend skills, on a project and studies. In my free time, I like to admire nature, read non-fiction books on a various topics.

This site was designed from the ground up with strong emphasis on privacy and minimalism. It doesn't uses JavaScript, cookies, unnecessary media and is free from advertisements, trackers and pop-ups. It works perfectly even without CSS. Here I post about technology, finance, lifestyle and related things.

I was around 12 year old when I began teaching myself basics of Linux, Python and cybersecurity. I learned these technologies purely out of curiosity, but soon, I started using them for my day to day computing needs and for automating repetitive tasks. After learning it for about one and a half year, I started learning about finance, stocks, cryptocurrency. As I was a minor at that time, I couldn't trade these securities using real money, so I traded them in demo account. At the age of 16, I opened a joint stock trading account with my parents and started investing my savings into low expense-ratio ETfs and few individual stocks. In less than 6 months, I was able to make a profit of around 10%. I also uploaded my first project, a password manager, at this age on Github.

At the age of 18, I started my professional life as "HstSethi". Created this website website, online accounts, projects, resume. Stopped being a "Jack of all trades, but master of none" and started focusing on specific set of skills including AI engineering, technical writing and finance.

That was just a start. I strongly believe in lifelong learning. I am continuously learning new things, learning from my previous mistakes, and trying to fix them. I do not solely focus on technology and finance. I also do have knowledge of various other topics including philosophy, wilderness, nutrition, business.

Contact Me

Do you have any suggestion, question or just want to chat? Then feel free to contact me through mediums given below. If you are sending a confidential message then please consider encrypting it using the PGP key provided below.